Together, we are stronger.

Helen Marie McCracken, Founder


If you say “YES,” to any of the four actions, you can get help on the CONTACT US page.

A butterfly represents “new life.” Become a butterfly today.

1) Decide to get help
2) Call HM3 Advocacy for appointment: 520-413-4404
3) Sign on as a Volunteer to help as needed
4) Sign the Pledge to fight domestic violence

Are you trying to decide whether to stay or leave?

Are you feeling torn, confused, unsettled, frightened, and like everything in your world is uncertain?

Maybe you still hope he or she will change and things will improve.

Maybe you’re fearful of how he or she will react once your plan to leave becomes known.

One moment, you may desperately feel you need to get away; the next, you may want to hang on to the relationship.

You may even blame yourself for the abuse or being weak.

You may feel embarrassed because you’ve stayed in the relationship despite this behavior.

All of this is normal…

Please don’t allow yourself to remain trapped due to confusion, guilt, or self-blame.

Your safety is the only thing that matters.  HM3 Advocate, Inc. is here for you.

Have a Safety Plan: Friends & Family.

A personalized, practical safety plan includes ways to remain safe while in a relationship, planning to leave, or after you leave. Safety planning involves how to cope with emotions, tell friends and family about the abuse, take legal action, and more.

The third Thursday of October has now become nationally recognized as Purple Thursday where people nationwide are encouraged to wear purple to increase awareness for domestic violence